Run an availability search for a given itinerary.

Availability Search Request Examples

In the first example the caller is looking for any available aircraft for a one way from ESSA to ESGG, for one passenger, departing from ESSA at 09:00 local time on Nov 30.

  "segments": [
      "startAirport": {
        "icao": "ESSA"
      "endAirport": {
        "icao": "ESGG"
      "dateTime": {
        "date": "2023-01-01",
        "time": "09:00",
        "departure": true,
        "local": true
      "paxCount": "1"

In the second example the caller is looking for mid-size or heavy jets for a round trip from EGGW to KTEB and back, for 7 passengers, arriving at KTEB at 11:00 UTC on Dec 13 and departing from KTEB the next day at 22:00 UTC. The caller is only looking for aircraft that can make the trip without fuel stops. The caller is requesting that prices are also converted to British Pounds.

  "criteria": {
    "requiredLift": [
        "aircraftCategory": "Midsize jet"
        "aircraftCategory": "Heavy jet"
    "requiredPartnerships": [
      "My partnerships"
    "maxFuelStopsPerSegment": 0,
    "maxInitialPositioningTimeMinutes": 120,
    "minimumYearOfMake": 2001
  "segments": [
      "startAirport": {
        "icao": "EGGW"
      "endAirport": {
        "icao": "KTEB"
      "dateTime": {
        "date": "2023-01-01",
        "time": "11:00",
        "departure": false,
        "local": false
      "paxCount": "7"
      "startAirport": {
        "icao": "KTEB"
      "endAirport": {
        "icao": "EGGW"
      "dateTime": {
        "date": "2023-01-02",
        "time": "22:00",
        "departure": true,
        "local": false
      "paxCount": "7"
  "outputCurrencies": [

Optional Query Params

When requesting any of the optional query params the response will also include this additional information.

Query Param NameDescription
amenitiesInformation about the aircraft’s amenities
categorydetailsDetailed information about the aircraft category
homebaseInformation about the aircraft’s homebase airport
insuranceInsurance information for the aircraft
liftaocInformation about the operator’s AOC
perfdetailsInformation about the aircraft’s performance details
safetyInformation about any safety ratings held by the operator of this aircraft
scheduleInformation about when the seller last updated the availability information for this aircraft
sellerstats.quoteCountThe number of seller quotes considered in these statistics
sellerstats.underPricedQuoteCountThe count of seller quotes where the price was LESS THAN marketplace quote
sellerstats.underPricedQuoteAveragePercentThe absolute, average percent difference that seller quote prices are LESS THAN the marketplace quote
sellerstats.overPricedQuoteCountThe count of seller quotes where the price was GREATER THAN marketplace quote
sellerstats.overPricedQuoteAveragePercentThe absolute, average percent difference that seller quote prices are GREATER THAN the marketplace quote
sellerstats.medianResponseTimeMinutesThe median response time in minutes for the seller to respond to a request
sellerstats.responseRatePercentThe percentage of times that the seller responds to a request
sellerstats.priceAccuracyPercentAn accurate price will be below or matching the Avinode generated price. It also allows up to a 5% increase, as there will be factors that are outside of the Operator's control.
An average of the last 30 days of requests will be calculated.
startpositionInformation about where the aircraft is positioned from to perform the first passenger segment
taildetailsAdditional information about the aircraft
tailphotosLinks to photos of the actual aircraft
typedetailsDetailed information about the aircraft type
typephotosLinks to generic photos of the aircraft type
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!